Monday, December 28, 2009
EOY Update
I (as usual) am too busy to do a full update, but here are a few things I have learned from my spending fast ...
1. Going without helps land you back to Earth - I have really identified the difference between wants and needs.
2. The pull to buy something I want is not NEARLY as great.
3. I have discovered what I can skimp on by purchasing "generic" (makeup, home cleaning products ...), what things I should buy "higher quality" for various reasons (clothing, shoes, organic food ...).
4. I have learned that I actually HATE spending an hour in Target and that if I'm bored, it's okay to take a nap, or go to the gym, or whatever.
Proudest accomplishment for this year: I have spent $0 at Wal-Mart!
Even though I don't blog often enough, I will continue to post here. I am always on a quest to be "Not Who I Was..." so stay tuned! I won't promise to be doing any one thing for a year or anything. But I am focusing on health, financial improvement, and whatever other fanatical, crazy ideas come into my brain.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
And Just Like That...
It's been the longest year of my career. I have to keep reminding myself that going through hard stuff stretches me, grows me. It's good for me, it teaches me.
I heard this quote today and it will forever be my theme. It resonates with my being.
"That knowing is better than wondering. That waking is better than sleeping. And that even the biggest failure, even the worst, most intractable mistake beats the hell out of never trying". -Benjamin Franklin
Not spending. I realized this week that I haven't spent a DOLLAR at Wal-Mart this year. I swear when I realized that it felt like the biggest victory of this whole dang experiment.
Going to Tampa in a few weeks. Then to Baltimore and DC in September. Wow, then there is only three months left in the year.
We cancelled our cable. When I started this year I thought, "Wow, we will pay off all our debt and things will be a flowery field with a blue sky up above."
But we are literally scraping through by the skin of our teeth. I can't help but wonder, what money WAS I spending? And since we've cancelled the cable ... what time DID I use to watch TV?
Whew. I am glad that there will soon be only three months left in this tough year. Hopefully I still have a job at the end of it.
Wish me luck and happy no spending!
Friday, June 12, 2009
I am half way through this excellent {cursed} experiment of mine. I have learned a lot so far, so that's really great.
Hubby is now, as of this month, taking over our bill paying duties. I think this will be excellent on many fronts. Less stress for me on all of it. He's great with money too, so I know it will all be in good hands.
I have learned that I don't need to buy something just because it's a good deal. I am a lot better at identifying when I need something {vs. just want}.
Recently Ryan and I were going to a birthday party, and he wanted to go to Target to get a gift card. I told him we needed to just get it somewhere else and that I didn't want to go in there. He found this quite amusing...
Hubby: "Let's go to Target and just grab a gift card really quick."
Me: "Can't we just get it at Starbucks?"
Hubby: "Why?"
Me: "I just really don't want to go in there."
Hubby: "HAHA. It's like keeping a crack addict away from crack, I guess?"
Me: "Sure... something like that. Thanks for the support, appreciate it."
Oh well. He has been very pleased with my experiment.
Anyway. All is well on the no spend front.
Okay ta ta. It's bday/date night with hubby. So excited! : )
Sunday, May 24, 2009
I have some updates to dish.
Update #1 - I fell of the wagon a little. But it was mostly intentional. I know that sounds bad. And I do have some justifications in my other posts, but for the most part they all share a similar thread.
Update #2 - I purchased some nicer clothes, but I got three outfits for $85 ish dollars. Yay me. The rationale: As you know I went to Dallas earlier this month for a business conference. And you also probably know that I received a promotion at the beginning of this year. Now, I work in a very casual workplace, however, I felt like I was missing the mark on most days and needed a slight upgrade in my clothes to fit my new position and travel to the conference. Well, like I said it was successful as I only spent $85 and got so much (One skirt, two dresses, one top, and two pairs of heels.) I felt good and do not feel bad.
#3 - Okay, now here is one of the few places it is not justifiable. While in Texas, a visit to this amazing mall was had and I spent about $100 on some more clothes. Oh well. What can I say? I probably shouldn't have gone to the mall.
#4 - Um, remember my post about Mountain Man loaning me his library book and how I don't do well with loaned things and etc, etc, etc.? Yeah, left the book on the plane TO Dallas. Oops. My bad. I had to that sucker and replace it. This one I don't mind at all though because it was to right a wrong. So, it was the right thing to do.
#5 - I joined the gym. This one I actually did a while back, long before all the others (either late March or early April). However, since I am coming clean, why not come completely clean? While I do realize I have a blog, and that is putting me out on display, I choose what to share and what not to. So for this one I will say I visited the doctor and for health reasons, I joined the gym. Again, I am very happy with this decision. (Don't worry, I am very healthy, but I need to lose some weight. Interestingly, my doc said my cholesterol was TOO low. Weird.)
#6 - hmmm. Oh last one. I purchased a mini fridge and mini microwave for my office yesterday. RC Willey is having a nice Memorial Day sale. This goes sort of hand and hand with the last one. It's hard for me to pack a lunch, mostly because I don't remember each morning. So, I am going to fill my fridge for cheaper than it has cost me each week to eat lunch. And it will be healthier for me. Plus the microwave will help me eat breakfast too. So all is well.
Overall, since May has been more of a spend month than a non spend month, I can say I definitely feel MUCH MUCH better when I don't spend money. Plus, I realized I still have a long way to go to meet my goals in learning to respect money.
Thanks for being my loyal readers!
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Money Pit
The good news is, we ended April with more than we have in a long time, and more than we have all year so far.
So, in short, four months later, no spending is finally starting to pay off. That feels really great.
I was gone on business this week, and my hubby cleaned the downstairs. Wasn't that nice of him?!
I was in Dallas and I like Dallas a lot. I think it is nice and I love Texas!
But, in all honesty, I have only been there in April and May. So I am pretty sure it's not comfortable any other time of the year.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
I have been buying myself lunch for a while now. I am saying this not because I want you all to look down upon me ... but because I need to stop it. So today I brought a whole bag of food from my pantry. This food should sustain my lunches at least the rest of this week.
In other news, I have a million and a half things to talk about.
1. New book to read. My good friend, Mountain Man loaned me a book from the library. On this subject I have two things to mention. A. I am very excited to read this book. I just need to find the time. I am planning to read it on the plane to Dallas, so I need Mountain Man to renew it for me. (Mountain Man? Would you be so kind?) B. Secondly, for those of you that don't know ... PLEASE DON'T LOAN ME THINGS! I get all anxious about it and I am terrible at it. For some reason, every time I mention this to somebody they take it as an invitation to loan me their whole life! (Dear friends, I mean that with the utmost care and respect. If you like your stuff, I implore you to not loan it to me!!!) I lose things very often that are loaned to me. It's terrible, I know. I am just not good at it. It probably traces back to the time my best friend in 7th grade borrowed my favorite sweater, wore it, washed it, then hung it to dry on a wooden stained chair. Oh no, wait. That was me. Yeah, not so good with the borrowing.
Having said that, Mountain Man, thanks so much for lending me your library book! I promise I won't hang it to dry on a wooden chair.
Oh I almost forgot to mention the book. It's called Not Buying It: My Year Without Spending. Who knew this was such a "thing" to do? I have met a few people who have done the same thing, that's fascinating to me.
2. Yeah, on Monday I was evacuated from school because someone called in a bomb threat. Weirdos. I got all kinds of shook up by it too. Not because I was afraid of a bomb, but because the Dean walked in and said, "You guys need to pack your things and leave immediately. The whole school is being evacuated."
Um... hello! WHY, can you tell me WHY we are being evacuated? I had thoughts of Columbine, or some crazy stabber person. So my adrenaline starts pumping and I was all shaky. YUCK.
There was no bomb. It was fake. Missed sewing for no good reason at all. Thanks a lot.
3. LOST is on tonight, WOO! Good friends, good BBQ, good TV, good Xbox-ing. Love my life. Seriously.
Okay, I have taken up enough of your time for one day.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
One Thing I Want To Do The Most...
I mean, it's not like I have decorated my house completely. There is always room for improvement. But you should see the makeovers I am missing out on!
Stevie always has some cool things, and I don't want to brag, but I know Stevie in "real-life". She always has some great finds. My favorite one was this tall dresser thing she made-over.
The Nester always has something great she has made too. There are more, but I need to get back to cleaning my bedroom (I have cleaned half of it and don't feel like doing the rest).
Anywho, don't get me wrong, I have a few makeovers up my sleeve. I have a spot I would like to put a vanity at in my bedroom now that it is (half)clean. Which I think would be great because I think I can keep the bathroom counter cleaner this way.
Okay, enough of my computer... back to work for me.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
People's Revolution
I realize that the economy is horrid, um, Obama maybe wants to pretend to be Democratic, but really probably is a Socialist. I am aware that sometimes our lives aren't all we have hoped, and sometimes things we don't understand happen. And, like my dad has always said: "Life's not fair" - thanks for that by the way. :)
But, as cynical as it is, it's true. Life is not fair. So we make of it what we can, right? Right. And we count our blessings, right? Right.
I think the grass is always greener on the other side of the hill (yes, I am trying to use as many cliche's as possible, thank you very much.) so make the best of it I say.
Which is sometimes really hard to do.
I had lunch with my oldest (longest) friend yesterday. She is a beautiful mommy to two beautiful boys. She makes me happy. She reminds me of how when we were kids we would get bent out of shape over some dumb boy that didn't notice us, or some embarrassing- yet insignificant thing happened. But we were happy kids. And, after having lunch, I realized, we are happy adults. And that is a blessing.
Our lives may be slightly different than what we had imagined, some things better, somethings not as great. But, we are happy. I am thankful for that. I think we have both learned equally well that happiness is in the smaller things. Your adorable little boy laughing the sweetest laugh. Lazy evenings spent with your hubby and puppy. The rewards, though sometimes really small, that all your hard work brings.
Food is here.
I pray you will be happy.
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Back to Normal
So, I can't say that there is anything new with me. Ryan and I celebrated our 5th anniversary, that was pretty cool. We walked to dinner in our neighborhood, there are quite a few restaurants that are in walking distance for us, so that was nice.
He was very sweet and sent me flowers to my office. See:
That was very nice.
I got a manicure and a pedicure - but I didn't pay for it myself :) My lovely boss gave me a gift certificate as a birthday gift. OOOOHHH! The other part of her gift was a cute little bag and a sewing book! And, OH MY WORD! There are the CUTEST things to sew in it, and it came with a bunch of patterns and WOW oh WOW is it my new favorite book? I think so! Here are some pictures from the book (courtesy of John Gruen):

My sewing class is going really well. I actually have to work on a report, and my final project, which are due so very soon.
I mentioned that I was going to talk about summer plans ...
I am taking a swimming class at school. I will say that classes at the community college have been the BEST way to not spend, but stay occupied with some really great, productive things! So, yes a swimming class in the summer. We have two camping trips semi-planned, which is always a really fun, relaxed, inexpensive way to get away with great friends.
Hmm... what else.
My brother-in-law has deployed again, some of you know he is a Marine. His (I always butcher this...) batallion's (I think that's what it's called) families are doing a walk to support the guys, so I am participating in that, and it's free. It boils down to logging how many miles you walk each month from now until September something or other, and those miles are counted in support of your family member (my brother-in-law). So far, I have walked three miles. Ha! That sounds really funny. But it just started on the 1st. So we will see how many (FREE!) miles I can walk from now until September. I will keep you posted.
Okay, long post, so ta ta for now :)
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Well, The Time Has Come
Tomorrow is the launch of our new database system at work, the reason for which I have been so absent. I can't wait! It's going to be a long day, and I really hope I don't have to miss sewing class. Have I talked about sewing class?
Anyhow, I really love my blog, it helps me stay focused. And while I haven't been naughty and gone off spending my money, I just haven't been as focused on the not spending thing.
There has been a lot of life happening around me, and to me, and I have gone a little crazy, but sanity has almost returned completely. This week will be that for me, I am hoping at least.
But beware, pledge drive (oh, pardon me, it's "gift" drive now...) is next week, and that always brings a little bit of craziness with it. But I am going to be diving right back into the blogosphere. I will share some gifts I got, some things that have occured (nothing too exciting, don't get overly anxious or anything) and my plans for the summer!
Oh summer! I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE me some summer! And, tell me, WHAT on earth is better than a California summer?
Missing you all,
Friday, March 20, 2009
Has It Really Been 15 Days???
But for now, my computer is at work, because I am tired of looking at it.
Talk to you soon!
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Way Not To Spend #527
So I know I said I was going to blog some more last weekend, but I have been BUSY. This project at work is taking up every last drop of my spare time. So, please stay tuned.
But this weekend isn't looking good for blogging either K
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Absent Due To Illness
So, it has been a LOOONG time since I posted. That would be because I typically do the bulk of my posts on the weekend. And I was a sicky last weekend. I literally slept ALL weekend. Which was both good and bad.
I had made a list of 25 things I wanted to get done over the weekend on Friday night, and got like 5 done because I couldn't wake up for longer than a millisecond. But, who doesn't mostly love sleeping?
Last night we went to celebrate a birthday party at Chuck E Cheese's, which is really pretty exciting. Don't worry the birthday boy was 2, not like 25 or anything.
Anyhow, I just wanted to check in and say I am alive. I hope to be back to my blogging self this weekendJ
Thursday, February 19, 2009
So, Ryan and I are going to attempt to get rid of some stuff via Craigslist. I set up a catchy email for it and everything.
I am not good at getting everything I want to sell in one place and taking pictures of all of them and everything. So I am going to follow the lead of my sister-in-law, Mrs. Crafty, and sell one thing a week. Starting next week, haha!
I am still catching up on regular work, okay?
In other fascinating news ... there was another domestic "situation" yesterday in my neighborhood. What the crap?!?! All our LOST friends (hahahahahah, that just cracked me up) were over and all of a sudden we hear pounding, like someone stomping down stairs, followed shortly by yelling and screaming outside by my lovely neighbor.
She is quite the catch. She has told me she has been married four times, once drunkenly ran over her water main to her house causing water to spew everywhere, and likes to sit on her patio talking loudly on the phone with her thonged butt showing from above her jeans (Gag! This is not attractive on ANYONE,ladies, a little modesty PLEASE!). Anyhow, these two guys (another side note, I can't resist, why does one have two random guys in her house at midnight???) start arguing about something.
You could hear a pin drop in my house as we all try to determine a)what they are fighting about, and b)will we need to call the police.
Thankfully we didn't.
This ding dang economy has to turn around, otherwise Lord knows what will happen next in our "'hood". And apparently I am no help because in a healthy economy, people spend money.
Oh well, at least my economy will be healthy. Maybe then I will hire security guards to sit in front of my house. They can wear red outfits, fuzzy, tall, black hats. And I will instruct them not to move when people try to make them laugh.
Alright, going to figure out what dinner will be.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Vacation, To Spend, or Not To Spend.
I did look at everything with a new perspective. Will this thing be something I will even like a year from now? Probably not.
Ryan let me shop for my birthday gift. I knew exactly what I wanted, but I was way more selective. It took me three days to find just the right one. I enjoyed shopping more this way. Not just picking something because I sort of like it and it will do, but instead choosing something that I love, that will last, that will serve me the best it can. I wasn't sticking to a certain price range either. I found the thing I wanted at both ends of the price spectrum.
In the end I found what I wanted for a great price. If money weren't an object, maybe I would have gotten the really expensive thing, but I was sensible. I really love my birthday gift.
We did some wine tasting, found out that we will probably be going back to the coast for our real anniversary, this time sponsored by the Tobin James winery. We were invited to stay in their guest cottage. Ahh the perks of being "in the industry". The folks at Tobin James are super genuine, really friendly people. I can't wait to go back and hang with some good people.
Things we might be "perked" with: a stay in the guest cottage at the vineyard. Dinner with the winemakers at Tobin James. A limo ride to tour and do some tasting the coastal wineries.
Even if we aren't "perked" with those things, the tasting room was seriously full of some really nice, terrifically normal, fun people. I look forward to hanging out there. I say this a lot, but I LOVE CALIFORNIA!
Has anyone made any bread? Do share if you have. My friend R.M. emailed and said she tried making the bread, which she does a lot. She said her husband like it so much, it was the best he ever had! Great recipe, I am telling you!
Stay tuned, I hope to have some money making tips coming this week sometime, but I have lots of work to catch up on, so I will let you know!
Be well!
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Homemade Deliciousness ...
3 cups flour
1 tablespoon yeast
1 tablespoon salt
Mix those dry ingredients together first, in a big mixing bowl.
Then add:
2 1/2 cups warm water (like baby bottle warm*)
3 tablespoons oil (I used olive, but any works I think)
3 tablespoons of honey (got some from Denio's mmm!)
stir that all together, it will be kinda wet and pasty/soupy.
Measure out 3 more cups of flour and mix it in a little at a time. When it's too hard to mix with the spoon turn it out to a hard surface to knead and finish adding the flour. Knead for 10 minutes. It shouldn't stick, it should just be smooth and soft.
After you are done kneading for 10 minutes, put into a clean mixing bowl (spray the bowl with cooking spray so it doesn't stick) and let it rise for 30 minutes or so, until it has doubled in size.
Then punch it down, roll it out on a flat, floured surface into a rectangle (maybe 12 inches by 18 inches?) so that you can roll it up into a loaf.
Put your loaf into a sprayed bread pan (so it doesn't stick) and let it rise again for another 30 minutes.
Now, bake for 35 minutes or so until it is golden and pretty! Oh, at 350 degrees!
I am going to use this for sandwiches, and tomorrow morning I am going to make toast with it. Can't wait!
*I have been trying to make a good "rising" bread all week and kept killing the yeast with my last recipe. This one was much easier. But just as my pointer ... use "baby bottle warm" water. Like, test it on your wrist and everything. I think that's what killed my yeast the first time I tried it. And, don't worry, if your yeast dies, it's not as dramatic as it sounds. You will just have a more dense bread, rather than and airy one.
It's A Spa Day!
Don't get your panties in a bunch, I had my spa day at home. I made an avocado mask with honey, aspirin, and a little water. That's it! It doesn't look as exciting as a regular store bought, or spa mask, but gets the job done.Plus, you know, it's FREE! I do still see my facialist, but couldn't get in today. So I will be able to have an all out pamper session when we get home from vacation.
Did I tell you I am going on vacation? Yes, this coming week. We leave on Tuesday and Hubby is taking me to celebrate my "B" day and our 5th anniversary, yay!
So the next weekend I will try to go to my facialist, I still have my Christmas gift too. It is a "real" spa package, with a massage and everything. So that will be fun.
Okay, stay tuned for my next post, "It's A Bakery Day!".
Talk at ya ...
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Am I Turning Into A Cheap-Skate?
There was a bunch of pizza left over, I got rid of most of it by giving most of the people in the class some to take home.
But then I had a thought. If I take this home, I get "free" food. As in, I won't have to cook anything, or spend money on feeding us.
I am not sure how I feel about this thought.
But I am taking pizza home. Maybe Ryan can take some to work tomorrow for lunch and won't have to buy anything. Yep, I'm turning into a cheap-skate...
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Super Grocery Bowl Dog Day
First, a picture:
I think they got the wrong neighborhood, seriously.
Second, another picture:
Wow! There is a lot of free stuff a Walgreen's this week. Well, not a lot per se, but it's a great week to start the Walgreen's game, which I haven't done yet. Those things up there are close to $40ish dollars of products. You pay for them, and then look next week, and every week for the whole month, to see what else has a full rebate, you buy them, register it, get the reimbursal on a gift card at the end of the month. So say by the end of the month you have bought $100 of stuff, you have them put the money on a gift card as the rebate, then next month you use that gift card for all your stuff. Then you keep buying the rebate stuff, now with your gift card and soon everything you buy at Walgreen's is FREE! I have over simplified this process slightly, but it is almost that simple. Pretty cool, huh?
Okay on to more important things, not that free stuff isn't important. I did my grocery shopping for the next two weeks. I typically hang at about $75 per week, I hit that exactly this week. Yay me.
Happy February, by the way. I am going on vacation this month which makes me so very happpppppppyyyyy! I love going away.
Alright, I am off to bake my bread for the first time. Aren't you excited to see how it turns out? I am hoping to get bread for pennies per loaf instead of dollars. I will keep you posted!
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Danger Will Robinson
But I am even worried about going to the dollar store too! The good thing is I have my allowance cash for my spendables already and I think I will leave any cards at home. I do need to go grocery shopping too, but I need to do some studying more.
Okay, here is the plan. I am going to go to the Dollar Tree because it's close. I am going to get the things I need and get out. Come home, do some laundry, bills, taxes and studying! That's a long night ahead of me! :)
Alright, wish me luck!
Friday, January 30, 2009
I Would Normally Be Getting A Pedicure Now ...
But you know what? I know I keep saying this but, I don't miss it. Granted, I need to clip those suckers pretty bad (gross, I know), but I don't miss it.
I really haven't missed spending at all so far. It's only been a month, which is a huge victory, but it hasn't been hard thus far. Aren't ya'll proud of me?
I think between work, school, and how busy January has been it hasn't been hard.
I don't anticipate February being bad either, or March for that matter haha.
February is my birthday month, and Ryan is taking me on a fun vacation. It is Birthday/Anniversary celebration. Plus it's a short month, plus I am in the middle of a HUGE project at work that is keeping me pretty busy, which I like.
March is going to be SUPER busy with said project, so I don't anticipate much free time. Plus I have to start working on my sewing projects for school, and Real Estate class ... whew!
I am glad this is all essentially free, productive, fulfilling and not to mention fun stuff :)
So, so far - so good, for the first three months of the year. That's my prediction anyway.
Have a fun weekend! I plan to go to Denio's tomorrow. NOW, NOW. It's just to buy some food stuff, with grocery money. :)
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
I Spent Last Night
So ... a movie that costs $.25 isn't so bad. It's still against the rules. Don't worry I don't care that much. I am still reasonable. Sometimes rules have to be broken, or whatever.
We saw Bedtime Stories, which I was going to see around Christmas time. But instead went to see Ben Button. IT WAS WORTH IT!! Brad Pitt was terrific in that movie and it was LOOOOOOOOOONG but didn't feel like it. The movie flew by, and was funny for a drama.
Bedtime Stories was also great. Adam Sandler has not wore his welcome for me, like Will Ferrell. It was very cute and very child friendly, not that that matters for me much.
Would you have spent $.25 on a movie?
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Whose On Y'er RSS?
And what do you use? I use Google Reader which I have embedded in my iGoogle account. It is always so very exciting when a new post to one of my favorite blogs is up. I have tried having some blogs emailed to me. But they end up cluttering my email a ton and I usually don't have time to read them when they come in to my email.
As for my favorites?
Of course, Bye Bye Pie, I have mentioned that before. But here are others:
-Nesting Place
-Zen Habits
-The Inspired Room
-Post Secret (a guilty pleasure!)
-Small Notebook
-Simple Mom
-Sorta Crunchy (I just added this today, but have stopped over here and there before)
So, there is my tip for FREE blog reading (haha).
January Has Been A Marathon
We went to the cutest wedding. I enjoy weddings, my friend that got married is very simple and her wedding was too. Right up my alley.
Anyhow, I was thinking, I haven't bought anything in 24 days and it has FLOWN by! I actually haven't missed buying anything. It has allowed me to be home more on the weekends, and not use my car. So that's nice.
I am enjoying the having to be "crafty" and I am ready to take it to the next level of not spending ... whatever that might be.
So, my biggest thing is what to pack for lunch. What is your favorite lunch to pack?
Talk at ya ...
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Sunday, January 18, 2009
I Just Spent, But CHECK IT OUT!
I signed up for an every other week delivery (but they do once, twice, three, or four times per month - once per week) of a small box of fruits and vegetables (ORGANIC!!) and they fill the box with in season stuff and deliver it... TO MY DOORSTEP!
The small box costs about $20 per delivery and is freshly picked, seasonal fruits and veggies! I am so excited! I will let you know when my first box gets here on Thursday.
So, if you want to join a local CSA go to this link for Local Harvest, and enter your zip.
If you are one of my "real-life" friends go to the website for Capay Farms HERE. If you sign up, there is a spot to put my name in for the referral. YAY!
I love this, and bonus that it is 100% non rule breaking spending!
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Another Dollar Saving Website
It is 8:30 pm and I am debating if I should go grocery shopping. I need to, so I can pack my lunches this week. I am so bad at lunches. I wish I knew of a better way. What are good things to pack for lunch? If I could pack my lunch, I wouldn't have to actually take my lunch break which means I could get some work done during that time.
I found another great money saving website. It is Coupon Mom. It is just like the Grocery Game! BUT IT"S FREE!!!! I am so stinkin' glad.
When I was playing The Grocery Game regularly, it took the "chore" out of grocery shopping. It was great. But I didn't want to pay for something I could do on my own for free, even if it meant just a little footwork. Not to mention, it is against the rules to pay for it right now. Although, the thing pays for itself in the savings you get. But, now that is all beside the point, because I found Coupon Mom! Yay!
Anywho, check it out. :)
Friday, January 16, 2009
HOLY SCHMOLIE, What A Week. Seriously, You Gotta Read This One.
I have had a HELL of a week. Seriously. Both extremes, ups and downs. But for the most part, ups I suppose.
Monday: First night of sewing class for the semester. I love this class, and am glad I kicked my own butt and went. I enjoy the people who are my friends there, and I learn SO much. I never get tired of it. I am looking forward to all the things I will learn this semester.
Tuesday, 2:30 am: Woke up with a sicky feeling. NEVER fell back to sleep.
Tuesday, 8:30 am: Was up, showered, dressed, make-up'd, and downtown-ish for a seminar that started at 9:00am ... on three hours of sleep. The seminar was on time management skills (which I need desperately). But, hey, getting three hours of sleep, that is some time management for ya, if I do say so myself.
Tuesday, unnamed time: Leave said seminar just in time to beat the traffic - which I think gives me actual, clinical, anxiety (the traffic, not the leaving early, err, um... I mean RIGHT ON TIME ...). Sue me. I didn't want to experience the feelings I get driving in traffic, and had gotten a TON of great notes from the class, plus the book that came with it.
Tuesday, 4:00 pm - 7:00 pm: At home, getting the rest of my sleep I was owed from earlier. It was splendid.
Wednesday: Friends came over, which is always my favorite. I made beer bread, then we ate some of it. Then, Ryan, Mountain Man, Gingy, our friend/cousin GameBoy, our other friend Mr. Witty, and our other friend Beanpole took the partially eaten bread to our new neighbor/friend (he was a friend before he became our neighbor) The Accountant. I am sure he loved our partially eaten delicious beer bread. It was a good housewarming gift, I thought. So then all billion of us came back to our house and hung out. It was a jolly good time.
Okay, now Thursday is where it gets REAL interesting. Seriously. I know it's long, but KEEP READING. (I promise we will get back to the boring, no spending stuff tomorrow.)
Thursday 5:00 pm: I leave to pick up my hot date, Newlywed. She and I decided not to torture our husbands by making them go to our company's annual awards banquet, so we went together, so as not to look like losers. Yada yada yada, great time was had by all, Luis Pulau (sp???) spoke, yada, yada, dropped her off and headed home.
Thursday 10, maybe 10:30 ish pm: I pull into my complex and there are four men standing there. I think to myself, "Whatever, people in the parking lot, nothing new. I wish my dumb garage door opener worked better." I drive closer to my garage door, wait for it to open and realize these four men are not talking they are ARGUING and one man has a stick (not like a tree stick, like a broom handle like stick) and is ASSAULTING one of the other men. Since when do I live in the GHETTO?!?!?! HOLY HELL! My dumb garage door FINALLY opens I pull in quickly and close the door and run frantically upstairs to my bedroom, while dialing 911.
I then proceed to give a play by play of the men arguing and beating one another to the 911 operator, since, hey, they're right outside my bedroom window and I have a good view and all. One man is bleeding, the police come. Seriously.
Here is what I emailed to the manager of the HOA (Home Owners Association):
Good Morning and Happy Friday Mr. HOA Manager,
I have done my best to not be a “complainer” around Beautiful California Living Place. I am of the mindset that if I don’t complain about everything, when I actually do it’s because it is important.
The unit at 139 is a renter, I believe. Is that correct? I have noticed since they moved in that there is an extra “room” built into their garage, leaving no room to park in it. The parking in our community doesn’t bother me, my guests always have a place, and Ryan and I always park in the garage, so that’s a non issue for me. But I know that it bothers some people. I am slightly more concerned about the safety of having so much stuff in his garage. And Nicole and I were speculating that he is a renter, so weren’t sure how happy the owner of the house would be.
This is not the real reason I am writing this morning. Last night a line was so far crossed it is UNACCEPTABLE. I believe that the owner would want to know the happenings of last night.
Mr. HOA Manager, I had to call 911!
Police came, an ambulance, a fire truck …
I wrote down what I witnessed, so I wouldn’t forget in case the police needed more than my 911 call. Here is what happened:
I pulled into the complex, my garage door opener never works correctly,
so I was trying to get my door garage open and stopped while waiting
for it to open. I saw the four men. I thought they were just talking
but realized they were arguing. One of the men, he had dark hair and
wore a dark jacket, had a stick like (broom handle like) object that he
was wielding as a weapon.
I saw him swing the man that I believe to reside at 139 Main St.,
that man then fell to the ground. By this time my garage had opened
and I pulled in quickly and closed the door.
I got my cell phone, ran in the house and called 911. I went upstairs
to look through my blinds to see what was going on. By this time the
men were all four standing by the large SUV type vehicle, it was silver.
The man with the dark hair and the man that lives at 139 were still
arguing. I do not know what they were saying. The dark haired man hit
the 139 man again with the stick. The driver of the vehicle, I believe he was wearing
shorts, got to the other side (the driver’s side) of the vehicle, got in
and opened the passenger door from the inside, I assume to get the
dark haired man to leave. The fourth man, who was watching the whole
time, he had done nothing (to help the fight, nor hinder it) until this
point when he got into the vehicle. The dark haired man was still
arguing, got in the vehicle partially. The 139 man slammed the door
repeatedly on the dark haired man, which must have caused injury
it kept not closing, as if there was something (like body parts)
in the way. By this point the men were speeding off, I noticed a police
car coming down the street on Main St.
I didn't see the 139 man run into his home as I went to the other side
of my house to see if the police had apprehended the vehicle.
I believed him to reside at 139 because his garage door was sitting
open, as if they had come out from there.
When the emergency personnel arrived, the man was indeed from 139.
I am not sure what, if anything, can be done about this. However, I do not live in Beautiful California Living Place to have to run scared into my home, calling the police out.
Thanks Mr. HOA Manager.
Sorry for such a downer complaint.
So Thursday was terrific. Really.
Friday 7:00 am: I wake up, wide awake, traumatized... pause I hear sirens outside. I need to go peek out my window. - Oh, okay, no worries. It was just paranoia. What? What's that I hear? Agoraphobia calling? ... I wake up and know I won't be able to go back to sleep. So I put on whatever clothes I find first and go to work. I looked real pretty today, let me tell you.
At least I got to watch the cutest baby in the world, my niece! She is sweet as pie.
So, all in all, it was a week full of stories. And buying lunches. Sue me.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
I Haven't Forgotten You
Whew! I am tired! So more to come later ... don't leave me, stay tuned!
P.S. YES I DID CLEAN THE PANTRY, I will show you when I have time to catch up.
P.S.S. Don't worry I haven't purchased anything illegal this week, but I did buy some stuff for school.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Week 2 Round Up
I COULD NOT TAKE ANOTHER DISGUSTING CAN OF SOUP! Those dumb soups were killing me, and I think I would have literally thrown up from it, mmm vomilicious, I know. So, Newlywed and I went to Chic-Fil-A.
It was the best Chic-Fil-A I ever had.
I know, I'm supposed to clean out the pantry this weekend. Don't get your panties in a bunch, it's still Sunday. I still have time.
My plan for today is to go through my paper, figure out what groceries I need, get some groceries, then clean out the pantry and put everything away. And clean the living room.
I also want to make some cookies. That would be, bake some cookies. OH and I'm not buying bread this week, because I am going to make my own. Yes, I said make my own! My friend, Mountain Man, and his wife, Gingy, are really into homemade stuff too. They found some great recipe for bread-making. I couldn't find it again, so I am trying another. We are all a little new at this "make your own" stuff. But Mountain Man and Gingy have more experience than I do in it. I think they would be full on hippies if they figured out a way to do it in a modern day setting. Well Mountain Man would for sure. Gingy is a fan of the shower. So am I.
AAAANNNYwho. I will let you know how the pantry goes. I anticipate well.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Speaking Of A Yummy Dinner ...
Since I am such a fan of eating out perhaps this will be my best friend this year!
Top Secret Recipes
I will have to make something super yummy for dinner. We are reuniting our Thursday night group after a long break. YAY!
We love LOST and watch it together, it's coming back on soon! But I think it switched to Wednesday nights?!?!?!
Anyhow, yay for me, I fought the urge and ate my disgusting soup.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
A Price Book
Those tricky little grocery stores try to make you think something is a deal ... but maybe it's not! A pricebook helps you to know. Grocery items go on sale in approximately 12 week cycles. So the price book helps monitor when you should stock up. AND, when you should use your coupons.
The idea is to stock up so you have enough supply to last you through the 12 week cycle. Plus if it is a non-perishable item ... well you should stock WAY up! It's like creating your own supply of stuff so you have a "mini-mart" in the pantry.
UGH my pantry is another thing that needs to be cleaned out ... perhaps that will be my first cleaning project of 2009. Yes, this Saturday I will clean out the pantry and share the outcome, since I can't spend money, I gotta stay entertained somehow!
So, back to the pricebook ... No Credit Needed has a good one that you can download for free. Dang, I tried to link to it, but I'm not on my computer right now, so I can't get it to work on this crappy machine. But if you Google "No Credit Needed Price Book" I am pretty sure it will come up. Sorry about that.
He also has some good tips on how to use it. I don't think I will need to go grocery shopping this weekend, but we will see. For setting up your pricebook it is best to go shopping each week. And just like couponing, it takes some footwork in the beginning. But it supposedly pays off. So, if I don't go this week, I will next and will let y'all know how it goes.
I promise I will try to post more pictures! So you don't have to take a nap with every NWIWT post!
OH! I have to share something dumb that I learned. You guys know what CAPTCHA is, right? (If not, Google that too.) We are adding a new thing to our website at work and it has captcha, we were doing a trial run for the customer service group. Have you ever clicked to hear the captcha read to you? OH MY WORD!!! It sound like Satan himself lives in your computer. It's hilarious in a creepy sort of way. You should try it.
Okay buh-bye.
Day Six ... What's A Recession?
But Incredible John's was pretty fun! We accumulated about a billion tickets among the group we had. We didn't spend them though. The place is really great for doing big groups, which would be anytime our family get's together. But I assume it is normally busy with kiddie parties.
Today I am back to my lunch packing self. I would take a picture because everyone knows it makes a blog post more interesting. But my camera is not accessible and neither is my phone because I can't find it.
Oh well.
Okay, so what is a recession? I have been wanting to look it up for a few weeks now. Let me preface with this story: In my high school economics class my teacher told us, "I feel sorry for you guys. You are learning economics when the economy is SO good it's going to be hard for you when it's bad."
So it's here, ten years later, the bad economy.
re⋅ces⋅sion [ri-sesh-uhn]
1. the act of receding or withdrawing.
2. a receding part of a wall, building, etc.
3. a withdrawing procession, as at the end of a religious service.
4. Economics. a period of an economic contraction, sometimes limited in scope or duration. Compare depression (def. 7).
Nice. It doesn't give a great definition, just refers you to lookup depression. DEPRESSION!!!!! AHHH!
de⋅pres⋅sion [di-presh-uhn]
7. a period during which business, employment, and stock-market values decline severely or remain at a very low level of activity.
Wow. So I would say we are in a depression. What do you think?!?! Scary. I wish I had done a no spend year LAST year!
Oh well. I can only start with the now, right?
Monday, January 5, 2009
It is one of my close co-worker's birthday's. And we had planned this party for her "last year" (don't you hate when people say that?!?!) and I think I am going to have to spend money today. This friend has been going through some stuff, doesn't know I'm not spending and would really be hurt if I didn't go to the lunch party. UGH!! I want to go, plus I helped pick the place we are going to. But it's been giving me ulcers all morning thinking about spending!
I guess since I planned it last year this will be my opportunity to tell them what is going on, so they don't tempt me to spend :)
UGH... I feel terrible.
Friday, January 2, 2009
O'Nine Is Here. So Is The First Grocery Shopping Trip.
Anywho, 2009 is definitely here and so far so good. I haven't spent a dime, I mean I haven't left the house, but that's beside the point. I will also mention that's kind of my fear. Ryan and I are true home bodies as it is, I just hope this doesn't add to a probable misconception that we don't like to hang with people. Don't worry you can come for dinner :)
I am however hungry. And have needed to go grocery shopping for a week ... oops! So today I will talk a bit about some of my already known ways to save on groceries, and also things I intend to learn more about.
First, a couple of websites:
The Grocery Game I tried this website for about two, maybe three months. The quick start version: The site tells you what is on sale from the grocery store you say you would like to receive the list from (that was a horrid sentence, sorry). It then tells you how to maximize your coupons. So if something is on sale and you have a coupon and it's not on the list, it's probably because it is expected to go further on sale and you should use your coupon then. Does that make sense?
My Grocery Deals I really like this one because it is free, and gives you a list of all sale items (I think ALL of them anyway) and all the stores in your area. But you have to do the coupon part yourself.
The good news: YOU CAN DO THE COUPON PART YOURSELF! The bad news: It takes a bit of footwork. The other good news: Some really well versed couponer's and such are able to save like 60% on their grocery bills.
So it pays off. The first step to maximizing your coupons is to do a price book. Which I haven't done yet, but think I will start today.
Other things I will talk on soon: Price Book details, Walgreens Game and I have a new item that I want to share for enveloping.
My definitions:
Couponer: Someone who cuts coupons to save on their grocery bills
Enveloping: The process of using a cash based spending habit; Cash is kept in envelope "accounts" to keep one on budget. When it's gone it's gone!
Thursday, January 1, 2009
The Rules!!
Step One: A list of "spendable" items
- All standard bills:
- Mortgage
- Insurance
- Car payment
- Credit cards – until paid off
- Utilities
- Gas
- Electric
- Sewer
- Water
- Internet/cable – internet is not negotiable, cable is
- Gas
- Phones
- Mortgage
- Gasoline
- Car repairs
- Groceries
- Food from grocery store – organic is allowable
- Walgreen's "game" can be started
- Household cleaners
- Preferred to purchase ingredients that can make homemade cleaners
- Preferred to purchase ingredients that can make homemade cleaners
- Personal care items
- Deodorant, shampoos, razors, toothpaste, makeup (as needed)
- Deodorant, shampoos, razors, toothpaste, makeup (as needed)
- Food from grocery store – organic is allowable
- Personal care:
- Facials can be kept
- Haircuts every six weeks, color every 8 weeks
- Facials can be kept
- Dinner out only at suggestion of Ryan – no encouraging him!
- Entertainment only out at suggestion of Ryan
- (See fabric/yarn rule below)
- (See fabric/yarn rule below)
- Trips may be taken
- Try to use timeshare when possible, or stay with people we know
- Camping is okay also
- Try to use timeshare when possible, or stay with people we know
- No gifts may be purchased
- Exception is for Ryan on Birthday, Anniversary and Christmas. Limit $25 per occasion.
- Exception is for Ryan on Birthday, Anniversary and Christmas. Limit $25 per occasion.
- School items can be purchased
- Supplies for projects
- Books if needed
- Supplies for projects
- Fabric for sewing & yarn for knitting – only at extreme discount or with 50% off coupon – no more than once per month (total, either/or)
- Clothing, if it cannot be made, may be purchased under extreme circumstances when a true need exists – must be approved by Ryan.
- Medical needs, of course
- Work conferences and trips – spending kept to a minimum; rules should be adhered to as much as possible
- **If anything has been left out it may be added to the list with the approval of Ryan
Step Two: A list of "non-spendable" items
- Things not listed above J
- Starbucks – exception: one per month is allowable
- Decorating projects
- Scrapbooking stuff
- Computer programs (exception would be something necessary for taxes … Turbo Tax, etc.)
- Books – please go to the library J
- Personal enrichment books can be purchased if not at the library, when necessary (i.e. Bible studies, etc)
- Personal enrichment books can be purchased if not at the library, when necessary (i.e. Bible studies, etc)
- Movies
- CD's
- MP3's
- **Many things may be added to this list!
Step Three: The Budget
The budget shall include a weekly allowance for both Ryan and Sarah. Lunches will be made at home and taken to work, or "groceries" purchased at the beginning of the week. Ryan and Sarah will be given a cash allowance of $20 per week. Ryan will get a gasoline stipend each week, Sarah's will be once per month (taken from monthly gasoline budget; exceptions allowable when necessary). The envelope system shall be used as much as possible, and definitely for the following items: groceries, weekly allowance, gasoline, and all items that are "purchase-able". Credit cards will be left at home in a special place and not removed. We're paying off, not adding to!
These are what I hope to be a good outline of the year to come. :)