Saturday, July 25, 2009

And Just Like That...

July is nearly gone, August is nearly here.

It's been the longest year of my career. I have to keep reminding myself that going through hard stuff stretches me, grows me. It's good for me, it teaches me.

I heard this quote today and it will forever be my theme. It resonates with my being.

"That knowing is better than wondering. That waking is better than sleeping. And that even the biggest failure, even the worst, most intractable mistake beats the hell out of never trying". -Benjamin Franklin

Not spending. I realized this week that I haven't spent a DOLLAR at Wal-Mart this year. I swear when I realized that it felt like the biggest victory of this whole dang experiment.

Going to Tampa in a few weeks. Then to Baltimore and DC in September. Wow, then there is only three months left in the year.

We cancelled our cable. When I started this year I thought, "Wow, we will pay off all our debt and things will be a flowery field with a blue sky up above."

But we are literally scraping through by the skin of our teeth. I can't help but wonder, what money WAS I spending? And since we've cancelled the cable ... what time DID I use to watch TV?

Whew. I am glad that there will soon be only three months left in this tough year. Hopefully I still have a job at the end of it.

Wish me luck and happy no spending!