Tuesday, January 26, 2010

My life, unorganized.

Okay, it's 8:30ish at night and I'm overwhelmed with the tasks I need to complete! I have work stuff, home stuff, other stuff…

So for my first thirty days I am going to Time Block my day everyday, except Sunday's. So, from now until March 1. I'm committing to blocking out each day and making time for stuff!

Here is a copy of the rest of the week so far … that I have completed in the last hour. Fun. Fun stuff.

So tired. Must. Go. To. Bed.


Saturday, January 16, 2010

Ahh, Saturday. Why can’t every day be like you?

I went to the gym this morning. In fact, I have gone thrice this week. I ♥ me for that. I already feel better, I've been trying to get back on track for forever it seems and now I'm doing it. On my way to thirty I am going to lose thirty pounds. And this is how it's done.

Anywho. It's been a whirlwind first sixteen days of 2010. Filled with crisis, medical stuff (with the worst insurance ever, I might add … at least we have it, I suppose.)(Also, the crisis is not directly happening to Hubby and me, and it isn't the medical stuff.) and crazy, short, busy work weeks. I like my work that way though, it makes it more enjoyable when there's so much to do.

We started The Truth Project at work this week too, which was divine. Hubby even was able to come, since he wasn't working that day. I hope to talk more about that another time.

I rabbit trailed … what a surprise. I was saying how today is Saturday and I love Saturday. Even when it will be a day full of chores. As I said, I went to the gym and planned on taking a step class with my friend – Blingy (coming up with nicknames can be very difficult!). She is also my Weight Watchers buddy. Anyway, Blingy has done step before, though it's been a while for her. She convinced me to go this morning (I'm up to try anything at the gym, really). It starts at 8:30, so I left the house at 8:15 after a good oatmeal breakfast (I really do like oatmeal, mmm).

We get there she shows me what I need to do to set up. All the ladies are coming in, some very svelte others look like they too are beginning. So … it starts off – step up, step down, move to the side, repeat. Simple enough. Now let me say, I chose a position in the very back of the class, as anyone like me would. (By this I mean, I have NO rhythm and have never taken a step class.) And I did that for a reason! Very quickly, however, the back became the front. And there I was at the front of the class, not keeping up. Embarrassing. I can't even describe it to you. But I got the heck out of there. Blingy was okay with that because she has an old back injury that wasn't enjoying step class either.

Okay, it wasn't as embarrassing as I probably thought it was. But I was definitely in over my head. We did the cross-trainer and treadmill for the rest of our hour, which is always a good sweat.

The other surprising thing? EVERYONE and their mother is at the gym and out walking their dogs on a Saturday morning. I mean, I know I live in the suburbs. But, who knew? Here I am sleeping the morning away and everyone else is out enjoying the beautiful California day.

The rest of my Saturday? I'm working slowly but surely on a home improvement project. It's coming along, really, I promise. I'm staining and sealing the concrete in my living room. I've only been working on it since November. I'm just not the weekend home improvement project type of girl, okay?!

Anywho, I better get to it! Hope you have a divine Saturday too!


(P.S. Before I go, have you seen Heidi Montag's newest bout of plastic surgery? Gah-ross!!)


Sunday, January 3, 2010

On My Way To 30.

Dear Friends,

2010 is the last year of my 20s. I have mixed feelings about this, but mostly feel as though I should make the most of it. Right?

I don't think I want/can commit to another WHOLE YEAR of doing something. Plus, I feel like it's probably better to try habit forming for things that I want to accomplish.

So I'm going to try something new each month. Mostly these things will be mundane. But good habits for stuff I want to try. I haven't thought of 12 things yet. But here are a few things I am going to focus on.

1. Walking the dog.
2. cooking dinner
3. taking a picture
4. going to the gym
5. going to church

hmm.. I wrote a list down on Thursday at work of the things I had so far. I will have to revisit said list, because I cannot remember what was on there.

What do I want to start with? I don't know yet. Not the gym ... I am terrified of all the New Year's Resolution people that are going to be there. Anyway, I think I will decide tomorrow for what this month's thing will be.

Some of these things I want to try in hopes a habit will form and stick, others I want to just try (like the photo thing).

Anywho. Hope your 2010 is off to a good start. Mine has certainly been a whirlwind already.

