Sunday, January 3, 2010

On My Way To 30.

Dear Friends,

2010 is the last year of my 20s. I have mixed feelings about this, but mostly feel as though I should make the most of it. Right?

I don't think I want/can commit to another WHOLE YEAR of doing something. Plus, I feel like it's probably better to try habit forming for things that I want to accomplish.

So I'm going to try something new each month. Mostly these things will be mundane. But good habits for stuff I want to try. I haven't thought of 12 things yet. But here are a few things I am going to focus on.

1. Walking the dog.
2. cooking dinner
3. taking a picture
4. going to the gym
5. going to church

hmm.. I wrote a list down on Thursday at work of the things I had so far. I will have to revisit said list, because I cannot remember what was on there.

What do I want to start with? I don't know yet. Not the gym ... I am terrified of all the New Year's Resolution people that are going to be there. Anyway, I think I will decide tomorrow for what this month's thing will be.

Some of these things I want to try in hopes a habit will form and stick, others I want to just try (like the photo thing).

Anywho. Hope your 2010 is off to a good start. Mine has certainly been a whirlwind already.



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