Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Day Six ... What's A Recession?

Yesterday went very well. I spent $7 which made me bummed, but I will count it as a last "hoorah" and I told all my work friends what I'm doing. I made sure they knew it isn't supposed to be a pity Sarah thing either :) So they are not to buy me things or pay my way HAHA:)

But Incredible John's was pretty fun! We accumulated about a billion tickets among the group we had. We didn't spend them though. The place is really great for doing big groups, which would be anytime our family get's together. But I assume it is normally busy with kiddie parties.

Today I am back to my lunch packing self. I would take a picture because everyone knows it makes a blog post more interesting. But my camera is not accessible and neither is my phone because I can't find it.

Oh well.

Okay, so what is a recession? I have been wanting to look it up for a few weeks now. Let me preface with this story: In my high school economics class my teacher told us, "I feel sorry for you guys. You are learning economics when the economy is SO good it's going to be hard for you when it's bad."


So it's here, ten years later, the bad economy.

re⋅ces⋅sion [ri-sesh-uhn]
1. the act of receding or withdrawing.
2. a receding part of a wall, building, etc.
3. a withdrawing procession, as at the end of a religious service.
4. Economics. a period of an economic contraction, sometimes limited in scope or duration. Compare depression (def. 7).

Nice. It doesn't give a great definition, just refers you to lookup depression. DEPRESSION!!!!! AHHH!

de⋅pres⋅sion [di-presh-uhn]

7. a period during which business, employment, and stock-market values decline severely or remain at a very low level of activity.

Wow. So I would say we are in a depression. What do you think?!?! Scary. I wish I had done a no spend year LAST year!

Oh well. I can only start with the now, right?

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