Tuesday, January 6, 2009

A Price Book

I know I mentioned this last time in the grocery post. But I haven't started it yet. A price book is basically a tool that helps you to log prices of the common items on your grocery list.

Those tricky little grocery stores try to make you think something is a deal ... but maybe it's not! A pricebook helps you to know. Grocery items go on sale in approximately 12 week cycles. So the price book helps monitor when you should stock up. AND, when you should use your coupons.

The idea is to stock up so you have enough supply to last you through the 12 week cycle. Plus if it is a non-perishable item ... well you should stock WAY up! It's like creating your own supply of stuff so you have a "mini-mart" in the pantry.

UGH my pantry is another thing that needs to be cleaned out ... perhaps that will be my first cleaning project of 2009. Yes, this Saturday I will clean out the pantry and share the outcome, since I can't spend money, I gotta stay entertained somehow!

So, back to the pricebook ... No Credit Needed has a good one that you can download for free. Dang, I tried to link to it, but I'm not on my computer right now, so I can't get it to work on this crappy machine. But if you Google "No Credit Needed Price Book" I am pretty sure it will come up. Sorry about that.

He also has some good tips on how to use it. I don't think I will need to go grocery shopping this weekend, but we will see. For setting up your pricebook it is best to go shopping each week. And just like couponing, it takes some footwork in the beginning. But it supposedly pays off. So, if I don't go this week, I will next and will let y'all know how it goes.

I promise I will try to post more pictures! So you don't have to take a nap with every NWIWT post!

OH! I have to share something dumb that I learned. You guys know what CAPTCHA is, right? (If not, Google that too.) We are adding a new thing to our website at work and it has captcha, we were doing a trial run for the customer service group. Have you ever clicked to hear the captcha read to you? OH MY WORD!!! It sound like Satan himself lives in your computer. It's hilarious in a creepy sort of way. You should try it.

Okay buh-bye.

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