Wednesday, January 28, 2009

I Spent Last Night

A whopping $.25. I went to the movies with some friends. It was a lot of fun. I had a gift card that I had gotten for Christmas from my cousin.

So ... a movie that costs $.25 isn't so bad. It's still against the rules. Don't worry I don't care that much. I am still reasonable. Sometimes rules have to be broken, or whatever.

We saw Bedtime Stories, which I was going to see around Christmas time. But instead went to see Ben Button. IT WAS WORTH IT!! Brad Pitt was terrific in that movie and it was LOOOOOOOOOONG but didn't feel like it. The movie flew by, and was funny for a drama.

Bedtime Stories was also great. Adam Sandler has not wore his welcome for me, like Will Ferrell. It was very cute and very child friendly, not that that matters for me much.

Would you have spent $.25 on a movie?


  1. I want to see the Brad Pitt movie!!! I would spend $.25 to see that one. And did you say Will Farrell has worn out his welcome?? Didnt you like step brothers???- stevie

  2. I did NOT like step brothers! :)

    I do get a lot of flak for it too ... oh well, I am just over him.
